Pricing and competition pressures are resulting in an absolute need to increase operational efficiencies and reduce costs. At the same time, operational requirements and relationships with Outsource providers are not static. They are constantly evolving, with changes including:
• Operating model changes, as service requirements and regulations change
• Fund launches, restructuring, consolidation and offshoring
• The range of services on offer – and the resultant scope of any outsourced arrangements
• Price and services renegotiation in line with market and client changes
• The addition of multiple providers and data sources to the mix
• Increased regulatory pressure requiring evidence of robust oversight and management of providers
At Walbrook Partners we combine hands-on line management experience in wealth management and fund operations with the breadth of experience and knowledge that our consultancy work provides. We have:
• Provided Operational efficiency support, aligning structures and processes to best practice drawn from all market sectors, while minimising the need for long-winded and costly methodologies which tell you what you already know
• Selected, implemented and upgraded systems and suppliers for the full range of market participants
• Supported major platform providers in the implementation and upgrade of services and operating models
• Advised firms on the detailed implementation requirements for regulatory change, including MiFID and the RDR
• Managed the whole range of changes to funds and their operating models
• Restructured Operating models for wealth managers, stockbrokers, market makers and asset managers
• Benchmarked and negotiated prices through comparison with peers
We’d be happy to talk to you about shaping or renegotiating pragmatic solutions for your operational and outsourced requirements and issues. For further information please get in touch via our Contact Page